Category: Healthcare Education

Seven Tips to Take Your Simulation Program to the Next Level

The healthcare simulation field is rapidly evolving, with new technologies and methodologies being developed every year. Read on for ideas on how you can improve, expand, and accelerate your simulation program—starting today.

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5 Ways to Bring Your Counselor Education into the 21st Century

The demand for licensed counselors and mental health professionals is at an all-time high. But there’s a lot of competition between counselor education programs to recruit and retain the best and brightest students. Are you ready to take your clinical ...
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5 Strategies for Increased Community College Nursing Program Enrollment

With the impending shortage of trained nurses – the American Nurses Association anticipates that there will be an additional 1.13 million nurses needed in the workforce by 2022 – community colleges have more opportunity than ever to educate the next generation of ...
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Tips to Boost Nursing Student Recruitment with Simulation-Related Data

The healthcare field is bracing for a major shortage of nurses in the coming decade: according to the American Nurses Association, there will be an additional 1.13 million nurses needed in the workforce by 2022, and the U.S. Bureau of ...
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Five Benefits of System Automation for Your Sim Center—Besides Peace of Mind

Nursing educators understand that simulation-based training is a clinical learning necessity– but even a simple simulation scenario requires significant resources, from people and processes, to space, time, devices, and written course materials. But with the help of a simulation management ...
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Nine Powerful Simulation Reports Your Med School Needs

Simulation-based training has evolved from an educational afterthought to a clinical learning necessity—and the amount of associated data and information has increased exponentially. In fact, a sim center’s data may double every two years! But with the help of a ...
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Counselors Lend Hope to Disaster Survivors

Gale-force winds, torrential rain, and a monster tidal surge: ingredients for catastrophe in even sparsely-populated areas. But what happens when a storm of this severity hits an urban environment like Houston, TX? Stressful doesn’t even begin to describe such an ...
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Continuing Professional Development in Academic Medical Centers

Continuing Professional Development for Faculty: An Elephant in the House of Academic Medicine or the Key to Future Success? Excerpted from the abstract: “The scope of change required by academic medical centers (AMCs) to maintain their viability and achieve their ...
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Five Ways Collaborative Healthcare Education Boosts Patient-Centered Care

Patient-centered care has transformed the landscape of healthcare delivery. Hospitals and health centers are shifting away from the traditional care delivery model in which clinicians prescribe the same treatment for patients with similar conditions or diagnoses. The new patient-centered model ...
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Who Pays for Interprofessional Education? Get Started with These Five Grant Writing Tips

The World Health Organization has issued an important call to policy-makers, decision-makers, educators, health workers, community leaders, and global health advocates to take action and move towards embedding interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice in all of the services they ...
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