Simulation in Healthcare Blog
Join EMS at the 2019 Tennessee Simulation Conference
Visit EMS' booth at the TN Simulation Conference in Knoxville, TN from March 28-29.
Visit EMS’ Booth at AIAMC 2019!
Attending AIAMC in Tuscon, AZ from March 28-30? Visit EMS' booth!
Join us for the “Simulation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” webinar!
"Simulation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," presented by Daniel Raemer, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School, and Chief Curiosity Officer, Center for Medical Simulation.
Thanks for joining us at NAP 2019!
Speaking engagement: National Academies of Practice Annual Meeting and Forum.
Celebrating Patient Safety Awareness Week 2019
Patient Safety Awareness Week (PSAW) is designed to mark a dedicated time and a platform to increase awareness about patient safety among health professionals and the public.
Join EMS at the 2019 National Academies of Practice Meeting!
Attending the NAP Meeting March 7-9 in Pentagon City, VA? Visit EMS' booth!
Keys to Enhancing Clinical Education with Video Learning
Video learning can jumpstart your educational program by removing geographical and technical barriers to experiential learning. Read on for ways video learning can enhance clinical education for better student engagement, stronger reporting, and more.