Key Performance Indicators in Healthcare Simulation Training

Reports, metrics, and key performance indicators (KPIs) are everywhere—but with a bit of planning and the technology to back you up, you can make the numbers work for you. Try to start with a primary focus on metrics that are most relevant to your program, and take the time to think critically about how and why a certain KPI is key to improving simulation training outcomes. Read on for best practices to implement at your facility.

What is a KPI?

A key performance indicator (KPI) is a type of measurement that evaluates the success of an organization or of a particular activity (such as projects, programs, products and other initiatives) in which it engages. KPIs provide a focus for strategic and operational development, create an analytical basis for decision making, and help bring attention the metrics that matter most.

Key Performance Indicators in Healthcare Education

For the healthcare institutions, KPIs may include metrics on care, public health, organizational and professional development, public relations, operations, and finance. 

Examples of KPIs

  • Medication errors and adverse events
  • Patient wait times
  • Patient to care provider ratios
  • To staff trainings per department
  • Overall patient satisfaction
  • Interprofessional communication

KPIs for simulation-based training

Simulation-based training provides an excellent opportunity for healthcare practitioners to refine care delivery and team-based communication skills in a safe environment. If you’re conducting an in-situ cross-discipline training exercise, you might select KPIs related to communication, and measure how frequently various clinicians are in communication with one another with a goal of increasing the quality of care for the patient. And a KPI measuring facility utilization might examine who uses your lab/center, when, and for what purpose.

Technology for tracking KPIs

What’s the proof that your training initiatives are really working? Are you tracking return on investment (ROI)? Take charge of your sim center activities and plan for the future with powerful real-time analytics. DashboardKPI™, an innovative app integrated with EMS’ SIMULATIONiQ Enterprise, makes it easy to monitor trends and generate charts on simulation activities.

Schedule a free consultation to learn how you can optimize your simulation operations with powerful KPI tracking, efficient center utilization data integration, and training performance reporting.

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